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Refereed International Journal Publications

1. Prashant Kumar, Saksham Bhushan, Debajyoti Halder, and Anand M. Baswade "fybrrLink: Efficient QoS-aware Routing in SDN enabled Future Satellite Networks" in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (IEEE TNSM), 2021. [Link]
2. Anand M. Baswade, Mohit Reddy, Antony Franklin, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Vanlin Sathya "Performance Analysis of Spatially Distributed LTE-U/NR-U and Wi-Fi Networks: An Analytical Model for Coexistence Study" in Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Application (JNCA), 2021. [Link]
3. Anand M. Baswade, Touheed Anwar Atif, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin A "LAW: A Novel Mechanism for Addressing Hidden Terminal Problem in LTE-U and Wi-Fi Networks" in IEEE Communications Letters, 2018. [Accepted Version ] [ DOI Link ]
4. Anand M. Baswade, Touheed Anwar Atif, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin A "A Novel Coexistence Scheme for IEEE 802.11 for User Fairness and Efficient Spectrum Utilization in the Presence of LTE-U" in Elsevier Computer Networks, April 2018. [ Accepted Version ] [ DOI Link ]
5. Anand M Baswade, Touheed Anwar Atif, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin, "On the Impact of Duty Cycled LTE-U on Wi-Fi Users: An Experimental Study ", In Proceedings of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) , Chapter 9, LNCS 11227, Springer, 2019.[ Accepted Version ][DOI Link]
6. Touheed Anwar Atif, Anand M Baswade, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin, "A Complete Solution to LTE-U and Wi-Fi Hidden Terminal Problem ", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. [Accepted Version ][DOI Link]
7. Ajinkya Mulay, Anand M Baswade, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin " DFC: Dynamic UL-DL Frame Configuration Mechanism for Improving Channel Access in eLAA ", IEEE Networking Letters. [Accepted Version ] [DOI Link]
8. Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, Thomas Valerrian Pasca S, and Anand M Baswade, " On convergence and coexistence of LTE and Wi-Fi networks ", Springer CSI Transactions on ICT, May 2019. [Accepted Version][DOI Link]
Refereed International Conferences Publications
1. Debajyoti Halder, Prashant Kumar, Saksham Bhushan, and Anand M. Baswade "fybrrStream: A WebRTC based Efficient and Scalable P2P Live Streaming Platform", in the 30th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), IEEE, Athens, Greece, 19-22 July, 2021.[Link ]
2. Mohit Kumar Singh, Anand M. Baswade, Antony Franklin A, and Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma "WiFi User’s Video QoE in the Presence of Duty Cycled LTE-U" In the 24th Annual International Conference on MobileComputing and Networking (MobiCom’18), October 29-November 2, 2018, New Delhi, India. ACM, 3 pages. [ Accepted Version ][DOI Link][Presentation]
3. Anand M. Baswade, Luca Beltramelli, Antony Franklin A, Mikael Gidlund, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Lakshmikanth Guntupalli "Modelling and Analysis of Wi-Fi and LAA Coexistence with Priority Classes" In the in the 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. (Wimob), IEEE, Limassol, Cyprus, 15-17 Oct, 2018 [ Accepted Version ][DOI Link][Presentation]
4. Anand M. Baswade, Shashi Kiran M R, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin A. "On Placement of LAA/LTE-U Base Stations in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks" In Proceedings of ACM ICDCN conference, IIT BHU, INDIA, Jan’18, (ICDCN’18), 10 pages. [ Accepted Version ][DOI Link][Presentation]
6. Anand M. Baswade, Touheed Anwar Atif, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin A "LTE-U and WI-Fi HIdden Terminal Problem: How Serious is it for Deployment Considerations?" In Proceedings of IEEE COMSNETS, Bangalore, India 2018. [ Accepted Version ][DOI Link][Presentation]
7. Anand M. Baswade, Vanlin Sathya, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin A "Unlicensed carrier selection and User Offloading in LTE-U Dense Networks" in IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular Networks, Washington, DC USA, December 4-8, 2016. [ Accepted Version ][DOI Link][Presentation]
8. Anand M. Baswade, Shashi Kiran M R, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, and Antony Franklin A. "On Placement and Efficient Resource Allocation of LAA/LTE-U Base Stations in HetNet" In Proceedings of IEEE ANTS 2017 conference, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.[ Accepted Version ][DOI Link][Presentation]
9. Anand M. Baswade and Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma "Channel Sensing Based Dynamic Adjustment of Contention Window in LAA-LTE Networks" in 8th International Conference of Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India Jan 5-9, 2016. [ Accepted Version ][DOI Link][Presentation]
arXiv Preprint
1. Anand M. Baswade, Touheed Anwar Atif, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, Antony Franklin A "Revisiting 802.11 for User Fairness and Efficient Channel Utilization in Presence of LTE-U" 2016. [Link]
2. Anand M. Baswade, Mohit Reddy, Antony Franklin, and Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma "Modeling and Performance Analysis of Spatially Distributed LTE-U and Wi-Fi Networks" 2019 [Link]
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